I slept for seven continuous hours. This is always a noteworthy occurrence for me as I gave up sleeping around the time my youngest was born.
With a deep uninterrupted sleep comes long uninterrupted dreams. Last night I dreamt of murder. No, I was not the murderer, I was witness to the crime, and then later being chased my faceless murderer.
After the discovery of how many hours I slept I decided to do some research on the meaning of dreams.
Common theory of murder dreams is that the people being killed are actually aspects our ourselves.
Various forms of our personality that either need to be, or we want to be killed off.
It is more interesting in that case that the people I witnessed being killed were a young mother and her young daughter.
And they were black.
So I killed off my inner black woman, my former self and my childhood?
Why could I not have witnessed a woman eating McDonalds being killed? That is a part of me I would not mind killing off.
If I am to read this dream correctly than I am left wondering why the inner child was killed? I had an amazing childhood. The girl in my dreams was brutally raped and then slowly killed, her mother witnessed it happening and I witnessed all of it. I tried in vain to call the police but damn AT&T kept dropping the call. Instead I kept getting the operator telling me my bill was overdue.
After the mother and child were dead the killer turned toward me. The rest of the dream was spent in an exhausting race where I am quite sure I kicked my legs like a dog when dreaming.
I woke up feeling as if I had a work out. Perhaps I need to step on the scale.
Killing off half of me and running to hold on to the rest I should be heroin chic thin this morning.
As I get back on track to becoming all that I can be (sans joining the Army) I expect I will have many anxiety based dreams.
It is a scary thing to face change ,mistakes, loss, and the AT&T operator.
Maybe the vulnerable child within did need to be killed off so that I can move forward. Maybe the young overprotective mother had to go to be with the child thus making room for an older wiser mother to come into my psyche.
At one point in my dream I did turn to face the murderer (probably because I was tired and needed oxygen from all the running) and yelled at him.
He was nonplussed and kept trying to kill me. I ran on until I could run no more. At that place I woke up.
Now I am awake, refreshed, decidedly thinner, and done running.
I may have to look into another cell phone carrier, because in dreams sometimes a snake is just a snake.